No, don't argue with it. I don't want to hear "But Mercedes and Mike and Tina and..."
No. Shut it. The show is racist and we're going to discuss why. Sit back, listen and check yo privilege.
Glee: a show that serves as emotional porn whilst parading under the typical liberal politics about the celebration of difference and unity, sympathy for the 'other' or the underdog, whilst claiming to be superior in their inclusion of "serious issues" and "representation of minorities"
But the way they treat issues or minority groups is utterly tokenistic, regressive and offensive thus illustrating a total lack of compassion and understanding. In this show, as previously discussed, we see POC characters pushed into the backgrounds or reduced to harsh stereotypes for laughs or convenience, with white characters glorified and given more attention.
This post is specifically going to focus on the character of Sunshine Corazon.
Sunshine Corazon was such a promising character. As a POC character that threatened even the supposedly unbeatable Rachel Berry, Sunshine came in like a lamb to the slaughter. A Filipino exchange student, the over glorified Rachel assumes she doesn't speak English and begins the caricature-style speaking in a loud voice, slowly enough as she assumes that Sunshine doesn't speak English, an assumption Sunshine then squashes. This shows how the characters of the show itself are racist, how the writers who created them are racist, but even worse is Sunshine's lack of response to this event. Sunshine could have taken the opportunity to turn around and call Rachel out for her behaviour, but this was not written. Instead she smiles, accepting this treatment. I mean... who would point out a flaw in the demi-goddess that is Rachel Berry? This scene was played for laughs and is so uncomfortable to watch.
In a fit of jealousy Rachel sends Sunshine to a crackhouse, putting her life in danger, all for having the guts to audition for glee club, something Rachel is hardly punished for. Eventually Sunshine doesn't become a part of the club and even leaves school, a promising character entirely written off. A show of how intolerant this 'tolerance promoting' show really is.
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