Friday, 12 April 2013

Shooting Star: A #rantalong Blog

This is a rant along blog where I rant along with a Glee episode. The episode is "Shooting Star"
I've seen reviews. I'm pretty sure my fears are confirmed and there will be some sort of school shooting event which, to me, seems disrespectful and too soon. Oh well let's see. Clicking play...

Whole week themed around "Last Songs" and conveniently something horrific happens. Unrealistic. Would have been more plausible during Diva week or some other week because life doesn't magically revolve around the plot it's travelling to. Tragedy hits when you least expect it. Most of us, when we found out about terrorist events in our own countries, were just going about our daily lives and there was no foreshadowing, nothing that could have warned us of what was coming. Trust me, I've been there. It usually happens when you least expect it and that's why it's so horrifying.

Ryder supposedly "in love" with a girl he met online. This suggests love is fleeting, that you can trust and forge feelings with strangers. This seems a dangerous thing to show to teens as it may make meeting people online and 'falling' for them seek plausible and safe without warning of the difficulties and threats of meeting strangers online. Always remember that this show has such a young demographic. This show just makes me go all Helen Lovejoy:

Does anyone else think that the girl Ryder is crushing on kinda looks like Anna Paquin?
As in Sookie from True Blood?

Ha. Wrong girl. "Please call me"
If you pick up a total stranger and sing to her and make this huge gesture only to find she doesn't really know you and you're seeking out another girl but STILL seems interested in you.... you better damn well call, boy. She must be hella interested.

They're singing to a cat.
All credibility this show had gone.
Cat portrays a more realistic, well-rounded character than any of the cast.

Shannon refers to Will as a "special friend" despite the fact their friendship hardly ever gets any screen time.

Oh God no... I think Shannon Beiste is such a wonderful character. She embodies so much of what Glee is trying and failing to portray: someone who has retained so much strength despite all they've encountered, someone who isn't glorified and sent towards Hollywood with every chance given to them. She's had life hard, very little has been easy, she's been the underdog and yet she's persevered. I think Shannon is probably the closest thing this show has to a "good example" character. And she's really putting herself out there in this scene to Will - she's so sweet and vulnerable. Suddenly and conveniently Will and Emma are back together. 

\Actually a really sweet moment with Brittany and Becky - that was nice actually.

Here we go.
Shots have been fired. Students are running. Sense of panic.
Automatically I wonder about the teachers of Sandy Hook who protected the children, who tried to help them hide and escape at the risk of their own lives. I wonder how their families feel watching this.
I'm wondering the purpose of this. Is it to make teens aware of events like this so they know what to do should it happen to them?
Everything about this feels wrong, it's so against everything Glee and I'm not sure if I like that (before life doesn't care about normality, things will happen regardless of your personal routine etc) or if I hate this dark and sudden change. It's done well in that it provides an uncomfortable atmosphere. I just wonder if the world, particularly America, is ready for this... After the Denver Batman shooting, Sandy Hook, the shooting of Malala Yousafzai... so conflicted.

Ok wait fuck no.
Sue, a teacher, brought a gun to school.
Not a student, but a teacher.
Stupid decision, the plot twist makes a mockery of recent horrific events.
They should fire the character and complaints should be lodged against the show. 

I totally hope Katie IS Brad the piano player

Shannon wanting to know how Will guessed her fave food: "My favourite food was everything"
Gee - thanks for fat-shaming, Glee. Reducing a character to physical traits typically associated with shame in the media.
Ken Tanaka? Didn't the show execs and producers claim this character died of a heart attack? Wow. Great writing, Glee.

Wait. I've just noticed. What the hell happened to Finn?
Remember kids - overweight pets aren't funny. It's your responsibility to keep them happy and healthy.
You need to moderate their food and keep them healthy.

Will talks at the start of the episode about the importance of spending time with the ones you love, specifically referencing Emma. Later when danger hits he does not rush to be with her. When he rushed to get Britanny he could've gone to see if he could get to her too. 

Twist - it was Becky.
Oh wow. So many feelings, so conflicted about what I think about this...
This whole fucking episode.
I don't even....
I think I need to go away and think because I'm full of weird kinds of rage.

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